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Kamis, 07 Juli 2011


Jakarta, March 3*, 2010

Abstract - In a 2-day seminar held on March 2-3, 2010 speakers from the International Federation of
Musicians (FIM), NORMA and SENA (Dutch collecting societies managing performers' rights), PRISM (the Malaysian collecting society for performers) and the World lntellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) addressed the lndonesian musicians' community, on an initiative of PRISINDO, the new born lndonesian collecting society for music performers.

lndonesia is reaching a turning point in its copyright history. In 2010, the lndonesian Copyright Act will be
updated in order to implement the provisions of the WPPT, an international treaty ratified by lndonesia in 2005. This will make the protection of music performers and phonogram producers in line with international standards and allow the music sector to be fairly rewarded for its contribution to cultural life and diversity.

The collecting society PRlSlNDO has been established by music performers as a non profit organisation, which will collect and distrbute moneys resulting from the exploitation of their recorded performances. Its revenues will mainly come from the right of public performance - broadcast or otherwise communicated to the public, and should such provision be introduced, a private copying compensation scheme.

Daniel Sahuleka (Dutch performer): "In the Netherlands, I get paid when my recordings are being played. Here in Indonesia. although the same recordings are very successful, I am not able to derive any revenue from their exploitation. Under the new legislation to come, PRlSlNDO will be able to collect money on my behalf." Once (Indonesian performer): "The creation of PRlSlNDO is a major step forward for the music performers' community."

Wisso Wissing( NORMA Managing Director): "Once fully operational, PRlSlNDO can change the musicians' life. lntellecfual property rights are essential to performers, for which they can represent a significant source of income."

Koert Ligtermoet (Chairman of SENA Performers Division): "Since its creation in 1993, SENA has rapidly grown into a well established collecting society, which now distributes 30 Million euros yearly to approximately 15 000 performers. A high potential also exists in lndonesia, where PRlSlNDO could play a similar role for lndonesian performers. "

Ong Peng Chu (PRISM Managing Director): "Every day, recorded music is used commercially by thousands of businesses without any compensation for lndonesian performers. The new Copyright Act will change this situation by providing performers with adequate rights. "

Candra Darusman (Deputy Director, Singapore WIPO Office): "The WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) is an instrument for modern times, which provides a set of tools that take account of the digital environment  The music sector in lndonesia will certainly benefit from its transposition into national legislation."

Benoit Machuel (FIM General Secretary): "lndonesian performers deserve, as much as performers in other
countries, a fair recognition of their talent and of their contribution to cultural life. As a key link in the creative chain, PRlSlNDO needs the support of the whole musicians' community, so as to start operating on its behalf as soon as possible."

Djanuar lshak (PRISINDO Secretary): "PRISINDO is working for performers and with performers as a democratic body.  Any musician in this country can become a member and have a say. This will ensure that performers' rights are managed in full transparency."

PRISINDO, Djanuar lshak - mobile: +62 818 419 469;  Email: prisindo@gmail.com